
2011/7/28 James <jamesstew...@optusnet.com.au>

> In a dialog with a scrolled window displaying a list, with one column in
> the view, where the cells are editable;

> gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes (GTK_TREE_VIEW (view),
>                        -1,
>                        "Name",
>                        renderer,
>                        "text", 0,
>                        "editable", TRUE,
>                        NULL);

This links the "text" (content) attribute of the tree view column to the
first column of the model, and the "editable" attribute to the second one
(TRUE == 1).

A button in the dialog allows the user to add to the list with;
> gtk_list_store_append(store, &iter);
> gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter,
>                0, "New",
>                1, 0,
>                -1);

Here you add a row with ("New", 0) to the list - whatever the intention of
the second column, the tree view will use it to determine whether the cell
should be editable, and given that 0 == FALSE, it won't be :-)

If you want all cells to be editable, the easiest way is to call

  g_object_set (renderer, "editable", TRUE, NULL);

when setting up the tree view (assuming that you are using a
GtkCellRendererText). Of course, changing the gtk_list_store_set() call to
set the second column to TRUE would work as well ...

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