2011/12/8 Marcelo Elias Del Valle - SYSMAP SOLUTIONS - Claro MA-SP -
>>On 6 December 2011 18:14, Tristan Van Berkom <t...@gnome.org> wrote:
>>> Or, can glib programs which don't make use of GObject use
>>> threads at all ?
> Out of curiosity, do you recommend me to use GObject to any glib program? Or 
> only for those I need to integrate with other languages?

Yes I do.

The learning curve for writing object oriented code in plain C with the aid
of the GType system can be a bit steep, but well worth the effort (and it's
become my preference, even if only because there is no 'black box' which
is evilly trying to manage my memory allocations on my behalf, but that
is arguably a matter of taste...).

I'm thoroughly convinced that the minutes I lose copy/pasting and
search/replacing the basic boiler plate code needed to write a
GObject pays off very very much just by allowing me to write object
oriented code.

I would think language bindings as a very very secondary advantage
to writing code with GObject, surely language bindings can even be
made for C libraries who dont leverage GObject anyway.


> Thanks for the rest of the answers, it was very elucidative.
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