On 02/19/2012 06:38 AM, Tadej Borovšak wrote:
> Hi
>>        the dialoh has a "Close" button in the lower right.  In the
>>        lower left are two buttons.  one is labeled "Credits"; next
>>        to it is a button labeled "License" that displays the GNU
>>        copyright.  can somebody clue  me in on how to add the two
>>        buttons  s on the lower left?
> I don't have GNOME installed here, but my guess would be that you're
> looking at the stock GtkAboutDialog, which is part of the GTK+.

The GtkAboutDialog class is based on GtkDialog, which defines a
GtkHButtonBox container, which you can add your own buttons to with a
call to gtk_dialog_add_button() or gtk_dialog_add_buttons()

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