On Sun, 23 Dec 2012 13:39:46 -0800,
Gary Kline<kl...@thought.org> wrote:

>       guys,
>       I need one 'quit' button in a small widget that says via the
>       label = gtk_label_new("File does not exist");, and displays
>       "OK" with the "Enter" key icon.   Instead of having the user
>       click  on a "Quit" or "Close" button, just hitting "Enter"
>       would return control to the calling function.  I already have
>       the "Close"  code roughed out.  I want the GTK_BUTTON_OK in
>       there to let hitting "Enter" work.
>       thanks for any clues.

Do you mean that you have a OK button, and that button should be
activated when pressing enter?

In that case, the function gtk_widget_grab_focus might help:


-- Andreas Rönnquist
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