On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 8:49 AM, rastersoft <ras...@rastersoft.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all:
> I'm having an odd problem with GtkIconView. In Ubuntu 12.04, with Gtk
> 3.4, all worked fine, but now, in Ubuntu 12.10 and Gtk 3.6, there's this
> curious problem.
> I set a GtkIconView inside a GtkScrolledWindow, and set to -1 columns,
> so it should autoadjust the number of columns to ensure that never will
> be needed to use the horizontal bar. As I said, in Gtk2 and in Gtk 3.4
> it worked fine, but with Gtk 3.6, when the number of rows is big enoughtr
> to force vertical scroll, the number of columns is set to 30; but the
> vertical scroll is kept, so I have to scroll horizontally to be able to
> see all the icons, but also I can scroll vertically (but there's just a
> lot of blank space).
> How can I fix this?

Sounds like a legitimate regression, you should not have to change
your code at all between stable GTK+ releases.

It would be a great help if you can:
  a.) Create a small test case with only a window/scrolled window/icon view
       that reproduces this problem (just a small self contained program that
       shows the problem).
  b.) File a bug here[0] and attach the small test case

It would also help if you can be sure that you indeed have the latest
version of GTK+ 3.6.x


[0]: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gtk%2B

> Thanks.
> - --
> Nos leemos
>                  RASTER    (Linux user #228804)
> ras...@rastersoft.com              http://www.rastersoft.com
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