On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 10:52 AM, John Stebbins <stebb...@jetheaddev.com>wrote:

> Not sure where you are getting your information.  I just built HandBrake
> using the mingw tools on Fedora 18 with gtk+ 3
> support.  Works spiffy.
Presumably he is getting his information from

It is relatively easy to cross-compile a Gtk3 Windows .exe with mingw.

But how do you give users the program? They need the Gtk3
& dependency .DLLs to run it. There is no Gtk3 installer. Do you have your
own installer and distribute the .DLLs that are in the Fedora packages? I'm
curious to know if that works. Also if you could share some details on your
installer I would appreciate it.

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