On Wed, 2013-06-19 at 14:03 +0300, אנטולי קרסנר wrote:
> I have another idea for you: In the Gnome Mines game (which you can
> probably find on git.gnome.org) written in Vala, the game board has a
> fixed ratio and resizes with the window, exactly like your requirement. 
> Go there and see how the MinefieldView and Window classes word.

Hey Tom. So I'm looking through his gnome-mines.vala and I see in his
startup_custom_game_screen () function he is creating the GtkAspectFrame
as I do. I think the key difference is the child he is using is a
GtkGrid which already knows on how to resize inside of anything, whereas
the GtkImage does not.

I'll keep looking through his code and fiddling with my own, but any
help appreciated.

Kip Warner -- Software Engineer
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