I have a rather large program I've written in C language which uses GTK+2. My 
Makefile has:

CCFLAGS = `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0 gmodule-2.0`
LIBS    = `pkg-config --libs   gtk+-2.0 gmodule-2.0`

GCC compiles it without warnings using flags:

-Wall -O -Wuninitialized

My program has several user interface files prepared using Glade.

I use the program quite a bit and have no stability issues.

But when I invoke Valgrind at runtime, I get a lot of errors which I can't make 
any sense of.

I have grabbed a small sample of them here:


I don't like ignoring errors and warnings, but I don't know what to do with 

Has anybody else come across these types of Valgrind notifications?

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