On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 11:25 PM, Tristan Van Berkom
<tris...@upstairslabs.com> wrote:
> We don't want to be chasing down scenarios where this could possibly
> break, so the best thing we can do is commit everything immediately
> (you could have an asynchronous layer in your data model which handles
> this, if performance or flash wear is an issue).
> I strongly advise against usage of "focus out" events for committing
> data...

Hmm. Trouble with committing immediately is two-fold: firstly, it
involves network traffic (this has to keep all remote users in sync),
and secondly, some of the fields have reformatters and sanitizers. The
server has to be able to guarantee that the Permissions field is a
blank-delimited list of account names, for instance, and it can't do
that if the user's half way through typing one. I'm currently using
focus-out because it does most of what I want; if the user always
types something and then finishes by tabbing out, it's easy and safe.

I was mainly hoping for something that's UI-blessed as an official and
normal way to do this kind of field validation, but if there's nothing
official, next best is to find out what other applications do and
imitate that. Ultimately, I want to make sure my program does what
other people expect of it.

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