On Wed, 2014-03-05 at 18:01 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 5:43 PM, Chris Moller <mol...@mollerware.com> wrote:
> > I'm writing an app, that among a lot of other stuff, has three mutually
> > interacting spinbuttuns, i.e., if I increment spinbutton A, its callback
> > then updates values in B and C.  B and then would try to update A, and C,
> > etc., resulting in a bottomless recursion.  So, what I need to do is, while
> > I'm in A's callback, block the B and C callbacks; while in in B, block A and
> > C and so on.
> Are you simply setting the three to the same value? If so, just check
> first to see if it's already that value, and if it is, don't set it.
> That's a technique that's worked for me since my earliest GUI
> programming days on VX-REXX... great system, that, pity it's bound to
> the obscure and forgotten platform of OS/2! :)

In case this is of any help, the GtkAdjustment::value-changed signal
does this check for this exact reason (to avoid some unneeded feedback
when the value has not actually changed).


> ChrisA
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