Quoting from the link you mentioned: "As part of the initial setup of our application, we also create an icon and a desktop file."

I had a similar problem using gtkmm on 14.10, and I discovered that the part about the desktop file is not just a suggestion, it's a requirement.

On 2015/01/29 07:59, Izak van Langevelde wrote:
I cannot figure out how to set up a menubar through gtk_application_set_menubar(), or an application menu through gtk_application_set_app_menu, and get it to work in Ubuntu 14.10. I had it working in the past, but I suspect something has changed in either GTK+ 3.0 or Ubuntu, recently. To make sure the problem is not in my code, I downloaded and built the example application https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/ch01s05.html, which doesn't give me an application menu, either.

Did anyone out there get this working, recently?


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