
I'm also currently playing with GtkHeaderBars.
In order for it to work, you must specify that the headerbar is a
child of type "titlebar". I did it in the XML directly, so I'm not
sure how you can specify it in code.

Here is an example:
* the GtkApplicationWindow:
* the child tag:
* the header bar:

2015-02-17 2:40 GMT+01:00 Daniel Kasak <d.j.kasak...@gmail.com>:
> Greetings.
> I just tried using a GtkHeaderBar in a window in my app. I'm using Glade,
> which doesn't support GtkHeaderBar yet, so I've generated the GtkHeaderBar
> in code, and in Glade, disabled the 'Decorated' checkbox for the window. I
> believe this is the proper way of disabling the window manager's title bar
> ... and I've told the GtkHeaderBar to include the Close Window button.
> It works great running under X. When I try it out in broadway, I can't move
> *or* resize windows, which is a deal-breaker for GtkHeaderBar
> functionality. I can move the window in code - which is OK for a single
> window, but not really good enough if there will be multiple windows.
> Is this a known issue? Is there something I'm missing to allow moving &
> resizing under broadway? I should note that if I *don't* use the
> GtkHeaderBar, I can move and resize windows under broadway.
> Dan
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