
This should be a colon not an equals sign

.encode already returns a bytes object in Python 3, what version are you

On Mon, 19 Oct 2015 13:09 Lukasz Grabowski <> wrote:

> When implementing drag and drop in Python and GTK3 the default
> behaviour is that if I drag something towards the drop area, then the
> drop area obtains a rectangular black frame. How to remove this
> effect?
> As per gtk3 docs, there is a style class GTK-STYLE-CLASS-DND 'dnd', so
> I would think that adding
> ----
> style_provider = Gtk.CssProvider()
> css="""
> .dnd {
>       border-width=0px;
> }"""
> style_provider.load_from_data(bytes(css.encode()))
> Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen(
>     Gdk.Screen.get_default(),
>     style_provider,
> ----
> or similar to the program should do the trick. But I had no luck with
> it. I kept changing other properties within the .dnd block to see if
> it has any effect at all but it doesn't (otherwise CSS works fine,
> e.g. if I change .dnd to :hover then the effect is as expected).
> Best, Lukasz
> P.S. Just in case I'm using a wrong tool: I'm trying to implement
> selecting several widgets ("calendar cells") in a Gtk.Grid via draging
> the mouse across them, similar to google calendar. I'd like to have
> the same formatting of all cells which are being selected (which is
> why I don't want any special dnd formatting on the last cell)
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