Thanks for the suggestions, the GDK call that works follows, but I should of gave more background. My app is a suggester window which follows the cursor of different app, a text editor. So I need to know the workspace boundaries to figure out were I have space around the editor's cursor to present the suggester window. An obvious situation is when the editor's cursor gets to the bottom of the screen the suggester will have to float along above it. All this is in C and uses shared memory for communication between the apps.

    GdkRectangle workSpace;
gdk_screen_get_monitor_workarea(gdk_screen_get_default(), 0, &workSpace);


On 15-12-29 05:26 PM, Rick Berger wrote:
I'm looking for to get the screen coordinates, height and width of the workspace on Ubuntu's desktop. The only way I see to doing this, is in starting the app: maximize its window; get the workspace info from its window's coordinates and dimensions; then un-maximize its window. I believe these can be done with GDK.

Is there better way to do this?


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