Hi Chris,

Thanks very much for all of that information -- it was very helpful!

I do not fully understand your question (especially I don't understand
your reference to using "g_idle_add_full() and do my own non-blocking
select() inside my callback", which would not work), ...

I won't be trying the above approach unless all else fails (see below), but I am curious as to why you say that I could not successfully call a non-blocking select() (or poll(), if you prefer) on my file descriptor of interest inside a callback registered via g_idle_add_full(), then read from that descriptor if select() tells me there's something there. This is not as logically sensible as registering a separate input source to be polled inside the main loop, but I can't see why it wouldn't work.

... This may (or may not) help:


Thanks very much for the above code sample -- unfortunately it confirms my very worst expectations of what might be involved with using g_source_add_unix_fd(), etc., to monitor a file descriptor, i.e., create a new GSource, code up a whole set of GSourceFuncs routines to implement a process which is not well-described in the docs, etc. I'm clearly barking up the wrong tree on that!



By the way, if you are thinking of using GIOChannel, you might also want
to look at the implementation of gdk_input_add() and
gdk_input_add_full() in gtk+-2. Although now deprecated in gtk+-2, you
can still use those functions if you happen to be building against

Using gtk3, not 2.

If you are using gtk+3 you can set up a read watch as follows (I have
not done a test compile on this snippet but it is what I have on
occasions done in the past, and it avoids keeping an explicit GIOChannel
object in scope if you only want to execute a callback when a
descriptor is ready for input - you can use the internal reference
counting to control channel lifetime):

guint start_read_watch(int fd, GIOFunc func) {
 GIOChannel *channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(fd);
 guint id = g_io_add_watch(channel,
                           G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR,

GIOChannel is the ticket, I think, thanks for pointing me there (where I would probably have never gotten on my own)! Unlike g_source_add_unix_fd(), of which I could find no useful example code whatsoever other than the code you sent me, there seem to be a fair number of examples around on basic use of GIOChannel to more or less do what I want to do (I hope). This 2005 Robert Love article in particular was quite useful:


Still not as drop-dead simple as libXt/Motif's XtAppAddInput() (and I cannot believe that I am actually favorably comparing Motif to any more contemporary API whatsoever ;-> ), but simple enough to be useful.

Thanks a bunch again, Chris!

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