Hi Ruben,

Consider using a drawing area and GTK3. There are more drawing and graphical 
capabilities in GTK3. Going forward to GTK4 I expect even more drawing 
capabilities since every computer sold these days has a gpu and the software 
can take advantage of that. 

With a drawing area you get better control of what you can do with your image. 
It makes it easy to place the image in different places along with, 
transparency, text, animation, transforms,,, and a lot of other things. 

For chicken placement you can use 5 separate drawing areas or merge them into 
one. I have something similar with selecting critters for gauge speed. A png 
picture here.


There is a simple picture in a drawing area with some animated text over it at


The code is simple enough but it needs a picture and picture path for it to 
work. I think that it could be ported to GTK2 but haven't done so. I like the 
graphical capabilities of GTK3 so I sort of stick with that for now.

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