I have a weird issue on an application I am developing

The application is fully tabbed and runs loops to transcode video files,
and I would like to be able to run the main transcoding loop fully in
parrellel, ie: the process running in one tab is totally seperate to that
running in another tab

I have tried this on the key sub (simplified)

sub encode_loop {
my ($optsi,$prog,$ext,$action_grid,$dvb,$type_g,$files,$video_type)=@_;
my $mainloop = Glib::MainLoop->new;
my $subname='encode';

;#if $dvb!~/ogg/ ;
return 1

However this is what happens.

I start one loop running, then open another tab and set another loop

For the first file every works fine.

Then however

When the first file finishes encoding, the loop stops until the second loop
is finished.


The second loop transcodes multiple files at the same time instead of
sequentially. The number is equal to the number of loops running, ie: if
two tabs are running the encode process, then two files are encoded
simultaneously, tree tabs than three files

Any ideas would be appreciated

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