
> On Mar 20, 2017, at 3:36 PM, S. Jacobi <sjac...@mailueberfall.de> wrote:
> First of all, inheritance may be the wrong word here in plain c, but I
> don't know how else to name it.
> In different projects I see different approaches how to derive custom
> widgets from existing ones. I can roughly group them into 2 to 3.
> 1) The header only has a typedef to make the struct opaque. All
> variables needed are put into the struct in the .c file.
> myType.h
> typedef struct _MyType    MyType;
> myType.c
> struct _MyType
> {
>  GtkWidget    *parent;
>  /* additions */
>  guint         i;
>  ...
> };

This is unsafe, the size of an instance structure is part of ABI so it can 
never change without releasing a completely new library soname.

You can use this style but its then easy to forget that restriction, so just 

> 2a) The header defines a private struct, and all variables needed are
> put into this private struct.
> myType.h
> typedef struct _MyTypePriv MyTypePriv;
> typedef struct _MyType       MyType;
> myType.c
> struct _MyTypePriv
> {
>  GtkWidget    *parent;
>  /* additions */
>  guint         i;
> };
> struct _MyType
> {
>  MyTypePriv    *priv;
> };

This is safe, and was a measure to ensure private details stay private while 
retaining instance size (before better approaches were developed).

> 2b) Similar to 2a, but the parent is put in the "main" struct, not the
> private part.
> myType.h
> typedef struct _MyTypePriv MyTypePriv;
> typedef struct _MyType       MyType;
> myType.c
> struct _MyTypePriv
> {
>  /* additions */
>  guint         i;
> };
> struct _MyType
> {
>  GtkWidget    *parent
>  MyTypePriv    *priv;
> };

This is also legacy, occurrences of this in gtk+ proper will only exist to 
retain ABI compat with an older release where publicly exposed members already 

Even in the cases where the pointer is considered public, we prefer to wrap it 
in an explicit accessor (this also makes life easier for bindings using 

> So my first question: What is the best way here? And are there
> (functional) differences between these?

Use instance private data, this will not need any priv pointer and can be done 
with th G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE() macro, and another to lookup your private 
data inside your C file (under the hood, this uses negative instance offsets 
with power nter arithmatic, so public and private data are on the same 
allocated memory slice)

> And my second question is closely related: How to access "inherited"
> properties, or call "inherited" functions? I see these variants in the
> following examples, where I have:
> MyType *myWidget;

There is no difference for accessing these things as inherited code or external 
code: do so with API (no such thing as "protected").

Alternatively, you can bend the rules by providing private accessors usually 
prefixed with _, without exporting these symbols in your shared library to 
users (gtk+ does this in many places, for strictly private object interactions).


> 1) gtk_widget_set_name (GTK_WIDGET (myWidget), "myWidget");
> 2) gtk_widget_set_name (myWidget->parent, "myWidget");
> 3) gtk_widget_set_name (myWidget->priv->parent, "myWidget");
> I am looking forward to helpful replies.
> Thanks and kind regards
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