On 30 March 2017 at 10:10, Nicola Fontana <n...@entidi.it> wrote:

> When you are ready from (1) you can spawn the idle callback with
> g_source_attach()... no needs for gdk_threads_add_idle(). In the
> following StackOverflow answer I provided an example in C:

A small correction: use g_main_context_invoke() instead, as it will
always do the right thing.

The only reason to prefer gdk_threads_add_idle() to g_idle_add() (or
g_main_context_invoke()) is that your own code may depend on
additional libraries that still attempt at acquiring the GDK thread
lock — i.e. they use gdk_threads_enter()/gdk_threads_leave() inside a
separate thread to mark a critical section. No newly written,
maintained, or portable code should do that, so you can safely use
g_idle_add() or, better yet, g_main_context_invoke().


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