
  I have a simple editor project I've been tinkering with
( and I've implemented EOL handling
for LF, CRLF, and CR to accommodate Linux/Unix/OSX, DOS/Win, and Mac
(pre-OSX). I've run into a question on implementing the EOL in text pasted
from the clipboard.

  By default, all cut/copy/paste operations use LF. If I understand the
clipboard documentation, I should be able to use:


with the:

  (*GtkClipboardTextReceivedFunc) callback

so that when a request to paste text is made, I can call
gtk_clipboard_request_text, pass the callback (which will scan the text in the
clipboard, (and if necessary allocate a larger buffer to handle inserting CR
before LF to make CRLF), pass the EOL flag to determine which to change to as
the 'gpointer *data', and finally returning a pointer to the reformatted
clipboard text through the 'text' parameter to the callback (or NULL if
something fails).

  My question is -- does this sound sane? To handle the EOL fix only for text
*pasted* into the textview buffer, or is it better to handle the EOL fix
during copy/paste so the text in the clipboard is formatted for the host OS?

(my thought was to just do it on paste)

  Basically, I have a variable that holds (0,1,2) that serves as a flag for
EOL type (based on an 'enum eolorder { LF, CRLF, CR };') that I can pass as
the pointer to the callback to allow the EOL adjustments to be made.

  Does this approach sound reasonable, or like one I'll spend 1/2 day coming
to regret?

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

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