
  I've pulled my hair out trying to find any easy way to set the GtkInfoBar
"button-spacing" style properly. This seems like something that should be so
simply, but it looks damn near impossible. I've been though the gtk_reference
manual, the gobject_reference manual and the best I can do is get the
property, e.g.

    GtkWidget *infobar;             /* the infobar widget */
    infobar = gtk_info_bar_new ();  /* create new infobar */
    gint spacing;
    gtk_widget_style_get (infobar, "button-spacing", &spacing, NULL);
    g_print ("spacing: %d\n", spacing);

Which then confirms that the default "button-spacing" is 6, but how the heck
do I set it?

  I have an infobar to handle File->Quit from an editor which checks
gtk_text_buffer_get_modified and then provides 3 buttons in the action_area:

"Do you want to save the changes you have made?"

    "_Yes"    - save if filename or call file-save-as dialog

    "_No"     - tidy up and gtk_main_quit ();

    "_Cancel" - close infobar and go back to editor

  The problem is the 6px spacing is way to big and the info bar takes up too
much space. I want to set the "button-spacing" style property to 2 (or 1) to
cut down the vertical height.

  How do I set the "button-spacing" style property?

(it's these little, seemingly simple things, that are the most frustrating)

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

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