On Thu, 2018-03-22 at 19:13 +0100, arkkimede wrote:
> Thank You Tristan for Your Kindness.
> Unfortunately, this new release of Glade require libgtk-3.20.0 and in
> my linuxbox Ubuntu 16.04 I have only 3.18.0.
> The 3.20.0 is present in Ubuntu 17 but this release is not stable
> enough to start to work with it.
> Thank you in any case. 

Ok, in that case, I recommend the following:

Follow instructions to install BuildStream, better to follow the wiki
page here:


Or directly:

    (pay attention to the system requirements, the debian
    instructions should be close to ubuntu)

Then once you have installed BuildStream, do the following:

# Get the build metadata repo
$ git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-build-meta.git

# Build Glade
$ bst build --track-all world/glade.bst

# Run Glade, note the --mount option just makes your /home available
# in the shell, so you can edit files in your home dir.
$ bst shell --mount /home /home world/glade.bst

... this will drop you into a shell, where you can run `glade` ...

This will take a bunch of your disk space, and may take a long time the
first time around, because we dont have a regular builder contributing
to the shared artifact cache *yet*.

However, so long as BuildStream can be installed on Ubuntu 16.04, it
should get you glade from git master reliably.


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