Dear Reuben,

thanks for your hint.

On 2018-07-03 21:19 Reuben Rissler <> wrote:
> I have had very similar experiences with liststore.clear() in
> Python3.5 and Mint 18. To work around this I do:
> store = treeview.get_model()  #may not be necessary in your code
> treeview.set_model(None)
> store.clear()
> store.append('my string or etc')
> treeview.set_model(store)

This works. Disconnecting the "model" from the "view" before doing
clear is the key. But very uncomfortable.

What not worked was to unselect before doing clear. I don't understand

This all sounds to me like a mystic behaviour what could be a bug. But
I am not deep enough into Gtk so I won't open an official report about
this. It is on the core devs and experts in that list to decide if this
is an serious issue or not.

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