Hi, I'm running into a slow gtk window startup issue
while running a mozilla embedding example

version: mozilla-1.7.12, Gtk-1.2
target system: RedHat 7.3 Linux, 2.4-18 kernel.
When i run TestGtkEmbed on my target system for the
first time, it takes ~ 12 seconds for the window to
show. If I kill it & start again any number of times ,
the window shows up instantaneously. 
It's only the first time after reboot, that the delay
Debugging showed that it's two gtk_* calls
[gtk_type_new, gtk_widget_show] that are taking up the
time (~5s each). 
---------------First run ----------------------------
[in TestGtkEmbed.cpp]
gtk_moz_embed_new ()          
[in libgtkmozembed.so:gtkmozembed2.cpp]  
            gtk_type_new (5.2 s)
[in TestGtkEmbed.cpp]
gtk_widget_show(browser->topLevelWindow (4.9 s)

------------Second & following runs --------------
gtk_type_new (0.19)
gtk_widget_show(browser->topLevelWindow (0.53)

Has anyone seen behavior like this before & is there a
way to fix it so that there is no delay in the first


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