On Tue, 2007-03-27 at 15:54 +0200, Xavier Bestel wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-03-27 at 07:37 +0100, Alex Jones wrote:

> > A few years ago there used to be a distributor patch in Gentoo to enable
> > this, and it was sweet. What happened, here?

> I dunno, but it's more than sweet. Whoever remember the text editor
> CygnusED, which had a very smooth scrolling, vblank-synchronized,
> progressive, knows that this helps wonderfully to "know where you are"
> once you have scrolled. Currently in GTK+, after hitting the scrollbar
> you have to think for a moment to let your eyes find the cursor again.

Oh man, CygnusED! The scrolling was indeed very nice, and I seem to
remember that it used a short acceleration ramp when starting to scroll,
and when stopping. It was pleasant, letting me page up and down much
quicker than I can do in e.g. emacs or gedit now.

It would be cool if we could bring that back in the context of a
non-extinct platform.

Hans Petter

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