On Wed, March 28, 2007 3:45 pm, Michael L Torrie wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 11:33 -0500, Yevgen Muntyan wrote:
>> Um, we can do that only if we have the icon. And that's a
>> problem. If someone volunteers to draw missing icons for
>> me then I'll be glad, but until then I will use gtk-about for
>> bookmarks and gtk-select-font for "Configure Shortcuts"
>> thing.
> I'd kindly suggest that one alternative is to borrow icons from other
> applications when the license makes it possible. For example, there is a
> nice "Add bookmark" icon used in Galeon and Epiphay.

I don't need "Add bookmark" (which is in icon themes, or at least in
Tango). I need an icon in toolbar button with drop down menu which shows
list of bookmarks (and this one is not in Tango). Of course there is an
icon like that somewhere, but: it won't be themable. I know that gtk-about
looks tangoish in tango and looks gtk-ish in default theme, it simply is
those yellow stars, looking nicely in every theme (sure, it may not be
stars and so on). But if I install my own icon and user uses Tango he gets
nasty old-looking icon among cool blue tango icons. Or vice versa.
Just look at the set of all gtk stock icons look in some non-default icon
theme (Tango will do).
I have a toolbar with all good stock icons but one, it's not like I have
big set of custom icons. It's a single icon which should look like the
rest, not like my own piece of fine art. You know, like what stock icons
are for. Not a whole set of fancy icons which do not care about how
consistent they are with stock icons.
Does it mean GTK must not change the icon or "gtk-about" icon should not
be yellow-stars icon? Of course no. But this thing works so far, and it is
*better* than the book-with-bookmark icon from gnome theme as soon as user
chooses theme different from gnome or default gtk.

Best regards,

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