On Tue, 24 Apr 2007 00:19:08 +0100, Damon Chaplin wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-04-23 at 20:09 +0100, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
> > floats. in Clutter, for instance, most of the operations are done using
> > fixed point algebra and transforming doubles in the public API into
> > 16.16 or 21.11 fixed point numbers internally;

That's a similar approach as has been used in cairo very successfully.

> >                                                we also expose a fixed
> > point API to avoid using doubles altogether. is this hard? yes.

As a datapoint, cairo does not do this.

> > cairo and pango developers and contributors went all the lengths to
> > reduce the floating point usage in their libraries; we shouldn't screw
> > the developers on embedded devices *again*.
> But the cairo API already uses doubles, for coordinates and
> transformations. So if the canvas used fixed point numbers you'd be
> converting to doubles and then back again.

Some people have misunderstood what kinds of optimizations happened in

Cairo has always had a floating-point API, with an implementation that
tries to get to fixed-point as quickly as possible. There were several
performance problems that were fixed between the 1.2 and 1.4 releases
of cairo that involved the following:

* Using clever techniques to make the conversion of floating-point to
  fixed-point values as fast as possible.

* Using similar techniques to make the rounding of floating-point
  values to integers as fast as possible.

* Avoiding floating-point arithmetic where the result was unchanged,
  (multiplying by an identity matrix, for example).

At this point, cairo seems plenty fast on embedded systems for the
kinds of things that people are throwing at it. Now, some of that
speed comes from simply not doing some of the scaling and
transformation that might be desired, (see the identity
transformation optimization mentioned above).

But even if more scaling and rotation were desired, there would be
plenty of ways to optimize this, (using fixed-point arithmetic when
the scaling is small enough to avoid overflow, using fast integer
techniques for computing things like square roots, etc.). And all of
that could be done without ever adding any fixed-point API to cairo.

I'm quite convinced that using floating-point at the interface, and
fixed-point internally as needed provides the right combination of
performance and ease-of-use for cairo. I'd highly recommend any new
canvas interfaces being proposed follow the same approach.


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