On Mon, 30 Apr 2007, Martyn Russell wrote:

> Tim Janik wrote:

>> not sure what you're asking for here...
>> changes to the gtk-web module should be documented in the ChangeLog,
>> and install.sh is used to update the web site after commits to the
>> gtk-web module. (technically, a copy of install.sh is used for updates,
>> so drop me a note if you really modify it.)
> Well, really what I want to know is, what scripts are used when we
> release GTK+, what processes people go through when updating the module.
> The ChangeLog just states why we changed something, it doesn't state the
> procedure for someone else to come along and do the jobs that need doing
> when we update this module.
> For example, the gtk-doc.sgml file is used to create the documentation
> with one of the scripts here in the gtk-web module, but the SGML file is
> kept in the gtk+ module. What is the process for creating the
> documentation here? Is it done automatically by some cron job?

gtk-doc.sgml? there's no such file, did you mean gtk-faq.sgml?
that is part of the gtk+ module so it gets shipped together with
gtk, and given the right sgml tools, also gets build together with gtk.

i currently have two scripts hooked up via cronjob on gtk.org. one reinstalls
gtk-web using a copy of install.sh, the other updates the faq+tutorial using
db2html, sgml2html and a copy of online_faq_fix.
both are triggered after gtk-web commits.

i'm afraid there're no other formal processes beyond this... ;)

> When releasing, do we run the last_10.pl script?

not, that i'm aware. and i guess Matthias also doesn't run it after a release.

> When do we run the update_mirrors.sh script? Do we even use it any more?

hm, i guess only Owen would know.
looks like it updates mirrors_list.html in gtk-web, which actually gets
installed as http://gtk.org/mirrors_list.html. however no gtk.org page
currently links to that list...

> Who uses the install.sh script? I am aware Tim uses a copy of it, is
> that the only use of it?

afaik, yes.

> Some of these questions may seem simple and obvious, but it would be
> good if they were clarified so people know how this module works without
> polling this list.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Martyn

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