
wasn't the g_type_register_static_simple() meant to avoid the memcpy()  
of filling the GTypeInfo only to pass it to type_data_make_W, which  
then copies most filed from this elsewhere?

Then shouldn't type_data_make_W() be reflowed. There is a big if()  
elseif(), elseif() else in there. Implementations should know if what  
the instance is instantiable, classed or an interface. They could  
directly call instantiable_type_data_make_W(),  
classed_type_data_make_W(), ... and these make some unconditional  
calls at top/bottom to share common functionality. Then its the  
question wheter the specific variants could avoid the copy from  
GTypeInfo to InstanceData, ClassData or IFaceData. Couldn't they also  
receive the GtypeInfo fields as parameters?

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