On Fri, 11 May 2007 21:01:19 +0200 (CEST)
Tim Janik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> seems you managed to crash around the slice debugger doing realloc().
> more interesting than the backtrace should actually be the
> program output.
> if you saw something like:
>    GSlice: MemChecker: attempt to release block with invalid size...

I saw no such output on the last ~100 lines before the crash, that's why I took 
the backtrace...

> then you actually have something to fix.
> if not, i suspect you have a bad memory corruption somewhere, e.g.
> where you're writing into already released memory regoins.
> that can cause crashes pretty much everywhere.

the machine is memchecked/cpuchecked and no memory errors occur. Miklos, 
perhaps you figured out an sshfs bug on the latest backtraces?

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