On Wed, 2007-08-29 at 12:06 +0100, Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro wrote:

> And how will this look e.g. to Python, which generally doesn't even like
> tabs?  Variable width tabs will likely cause havoc in Python programs...

As Nick said, Python is just fine with tabs!

> Now, if you did the exact same thing, but behind the scenes inserted
> spaces instead of tab characters, then it would be nice.

His GEdit plugin supports this, but it's a lossy conversion. When
reading back the 0x20s, you have to try to figure out what was supposed
to be a tab, and I'm sure you might get some false positives eventually,
unless there's something I'm missing.

I really can't wait to get this functionality, it finally puts an end to
all of the nonsense over how many spaces there should be in a tab!
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