On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, Federico Mena Quintero wrote:

> On Wed, 2007-10-17 at 11:56 +0200, Tim Janik wrote:
>> - extend the g_assert() docs to note that:
>>    1) programmers are more likely to want to use g_warn_if_fail instead
>>       (particularly for libraries, allthough the destabilizing effects
>>       of g_assert are also worth avoiding in applicaiton code);
> This is the part I don't like.  Making failed sanity checks not exit the
> program will *not* make your program more robust; it will just make
> people ignore broken programs.  Nobody paid attention to critical
> warnings until we started actively crashing programs that printed them
> during development versions --- grep for g_log_set_always_fatal() in
> gnome-session/main.c.

the fact that a crasher gets more attention than a warning doesn't
make it better usability wise.
an example for a better solution would be an unconditional dialog along:

   === Warning: stability compromised ===================================

    Application <foobar> failed an internal integrity check. Please save
    your data and exit as soon as possible. Additionally, it'd be nice
    if you reported the failure notice detailed below to the upstream

      +-[>]--- Details ------------------------------------------+
      | Bug reporting: htttp://upstream/bugzilla/url             |
      | Failure notice:                                          |
      | ** WARNING **: frobnicate(): assertion 'ref_count != 0'  |
      | failed.                                                  |

such a thing should be triggered upon every critical/warning (and most
if not all assertions should be turned into a warning).

>  Federico

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