Am Mittwoch, den 05.12.2007, 13:33 +0100 schrieb Alexander Larsson:
> On Wed, 2007-12-05 at 12:56 +0100, Mathias Hasselmann wrote:
> > Specially as you can use #undef in your C code, when stuck with a
> > platform doing such stupidities...
> Thats fine inside glib, but if you export these symbols in public
> headers you're forcing all applications to do said #undef:s.
> And such stupid platforms include linux and glibc. Only recently samba
> had to change a structure member name from close to close_fn due to
> this, and I had to handle the fallout in gnome-vfs.

Oh! Really!? Crap. Stupid C pre-processor. :-(

Mathias Hasselmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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