Sounds good!

I am actually mostly interesting in such a system, that could wrap c++
classes, but I guess this system could be extended to do such a thing.
Maybe a nice project for one day:)

On 2/12/08, Christian Berentsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pidl is an Interface Description Language for GObject C-code with
> automatic language bindings.
> The programmer mainly writes '.pidl' files and implementation in C. Much
> GObject boilerplate is hidden.
> Language bindings are automatically generated.
> (Currently for Python, C++ and C#)
> As we are developing a product relying heavily on GObject, we came to
> the conclusion that the risk of having every developer handling
> boilerplate code could become a big maintenance headache.
> Pidl is still in its infancy and is being evolved on a day to day basis.
> The system is developed in TDD fashion, with test coverage in Python.
> Could this be interesting for anybody else writing GObject based
> software?
> Current feature summary:
> Emits C++, Python and C# (and GObject front stubs in C)
> Supports classes, interfaces, properties, methods, and signals.
> Supports implementing interfaces in C++ and C# (not yet Python)
> Enums
> Errors/Exceptions on methods marked as throwing. (GError marshalled to
> language exceptions, modelled after dbus-glib)
> Weak references (Properties only)
> Inheritance
> and more.
> --
> Jarl Christian Berentsen
> Ole Andre Vadla Ravnaas
> (Pidl core monkeys)
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