Allin Cottrell wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Apr 2008, Martyn Russell wrote:
>> Allin Cottrell wrote:
>>> The Windows download page is correct (pointing to but 
>>> the Linux download page is not.  
>> Hmm, do you mean that the Windows page links directly to a file to
>> download, but the Linux page links to a list of downloads for that
>> series of version of GTK+?
> That's true, but it's not what I meant.  What I meant is that the 
> Windows links point to, which actually holds the 
> current GTK files, while the Linux/Unix links point to 
>, which is apparently not maintained and is very much 
> out of date. (Currently, the latest GTK version on that server is 
> 2.12.6, while the "LATEST" label points to 2.12.4; the latest 
> glib version is 2.15.4.)

Ah well spotted.

I just changed the Glib/Pango/GTK+ links to use instead.
However, I noticed that we have a "dependencies" link on I
have removed that for now on the latest downloads since it was linking
to dependencies for GTK+ 2.10.

I have left the links to GTK+ < 2.10 the same (including the dependency

Should we remove the "dependency" link and switch over to
for the other links too? Matthias?

>>> Also, it would be nice if the target platform for the 
>>> respective d/l pages was stated prominently on the page itelf 
>>> (right now it's only in the browser title).
>> Yea, this is the same for EVERY page though.
> Not sure what you mean.  The Windows and Linux d/l pages each have 
> a title (as shown in the browser title bar) that identifies the 
> platform, but there's no title or heading visible on the page 
> itself that tells you which platform you're looking at.

Sure, but I mean, we do that for ALL pages on (with
subsections). I would rather not change the format of ALL pages to
include the title twice (once in the menu up top and again as a heading
on the page).

Andreas, unless you can think of a nice way to do this?

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