On Wed, 2008-07-16 at 09:16 +0200, Colin Leroy wrote:
> Hello,
> I've read the PDF at
> http://people.imendio.com/kris/gtk-state-of-the-union-2008.pdf
> I am wondering what the options will be for users of the GTK lib, that
> still use deprecated widgets?
> In the project I work for, we do have a lot of them:
> [claws-mail/src]$ grep -r GtkItemFactory *|wc -l
> 163
> [claws-mail/src]$ grep -r GtkTooltips *|wc -l
> 61
> [claws-mail/src]$ grep -r GtkCTree *|wc -l
> 670
> [claws-mail/src]$ grep -r GtkCList *|wc -l
> 198
> We went through this when migrating from GTK+ 1 to GTK+ 2 already. We
> don't want to do it again.

IMO, if you're still using GtkCTree and GtkCList, which were deprecated
when GTK+ 2.0 was released 6 years ago, you're asking for trouble.

The tooltips should be easy to port, the tree and list widgets less so,
which is why it should have started quite some time ago...

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