Am Tue, 19 Aug 2008 15:17:10 +0200
schrieb Mathias Hasselmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> When looking at some Android screen shots[1] I've realized that their
> scrollbars are translucent. That's a really nice idea IMHO.
> I wonder if we can implement this feature in GTK+.
> Ciao,
> Mathias
> [1]

Hey Mathias,

your example, and for that matter all screenshots with scrollbars on
the linked site, is particularly a web browser.

Are you thinking of a web widget only or generally of any widgets in
Gtk that can be embedded in scrollbars? The latter might involve
non-trivial changes, looking at how isolated scrollbars normally are
from their child, there are even thick borders between the child and
the scrollbars in the dozen engines/ themes I have tested here when
writing this.

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