Murray Cumming wrote:
On Mon, 2008-09-08 at 10:09 -0500, Mike Kestner wrote:
On Sun, 2008-09-07 at 17:39 +0200, Johan Dahlin wrote:
Paul Pogonyshev wrote:
Johan Dahlin wrote:

> I'm leaning towards using the "ownership" terminology instead of "transfer".
typedef enum {
   GI_OWNERSHIP_CALLER, /* caller owns it, caller should free it after use */
   GI_OWNERSHIP_CALLEE  /* callee owns it, caller should leave it as it is */
} GITypeOwnership;
Just as a nitpick, these two names look very similar and quite confusing
for non-native English speakers.  Maybe you could come up with something
different, especially in place of 'callee'?
Agreed, I'm open to suggestions.
caller/subroutine ?
In GAPI, we have two ownership attributes on list elements: owned and

or nothing is owned. Yes, we have these 3 in gtkmm too. Johan's system
offers a fourth combination, list-not-owned, element-owned, so-far not
seen in the wild), but it seems fine.

True, but most importantly: it supports lists of lists.

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