2008/12/23 David Zeuthen <da...@fubar.dk>

> On Tue, 2008-12-23 at 10:12 +0100, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
> > Hehe, I think it would be stretch to call you that. After all you do
> > produce tonnes of code :-)
> >
> > I a while ago I started hacking on a generic dynamic method invocation
> > framework for glib: http://live.gnome.org/MikkelKamstrup/GProxyIdea,
> > mailing list thread:
> > http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2008-July/msg00006.html.
> > As of writing I have not got past writing the stub/boilerplate
> > GObjects as my spare time is extremely limited. I am most delighted to
> > see the progress you have made :-)
> >
> > My idea was to do something like Java's Proxy class:
> > http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/ which should then be used to
> > dynamically build interfaces. Interfaces could fx. be build on the fly
> > from a WSDL or something (the main thing missing for this in GLib is
> > dynamic method introspection (gobject-introspection lacks the dynamic
> > part as far as I know)).
> >
> >
> > Anyway if you read through my GProxyIdea page you should see that you
> > might not be the only one being worthy of the "architecture astronaut"
> > label :-)
> Yeah, I actually looked over those pages before I started coding this.
> > One thing though... I am not completely able to grasp the relation of
> > EggDBus to GObject-Introspection... I would hope that they could be
> > highly integrated so that I could dynamically export an introspectable
> > GObjector something like that
> Sure, if GObject would gain API to dynamically enumerate methods (in the
> same way we already have API like g_signal_list_ids(), g_signal_query()
> and g_object_class_list_properties()), it should be possible to write a
> function that takes a GObject instance and a creates a proxy that
> implements the EggDBusInterface interface. Then you can register that on
> the bus and, hey presto, you've exported a GObject on the bus.

Yeah, that was my idea exactly.

> Of course it wouldn't work for any GObject derived class; I mean, the
> object spaces (so to speak) aren't shared between two processes so
> wrapping things like GtkBox would never work (unless you do a bijection
> between object paths and GObject instances and add things like
> factories. But I think in there lies madness.)

Yeah, it would be mostly an exercise in academia too. I am not sure that it
will have any cool use case (that is not addressable in any other way)
except being cool from a technology-circle-jerk perspective :-)

> So you'd need to tag (using gtk-doc annotations) what methods,
> properties and signals are to be exported via D-Bus. But it would need
> to be complicated

The idea was more in the line of how Java does RMI. You define interface +
impl to export. Consider a Pingable interface (with the obvious method) and
some instance, myob, of a class MyObject implementing Pingable. Then you
just call egg_dbus_export (Pingable, myob); to put the object on the bus.
This still needs a bus name to export under of course, but this here is just
the basic idea.

The use case I had in mind was xesam-glib where I wanted to integrate Xesam
services that where not necessarily DBus based. Think Bluetooth, Avahi,
REST, Soap, etc. All these would be called "transports" in the terminology
of http://live.gnome.org/MikkelKamstrup/GProxyIdea, in which case the above
export would become the more general g_transport_export(my_trans, Pingable,

>  - You'd want something like EggDBusMethodInvocation so you can get
>   context about the method invocation, specifically who invoked the
>   call (to do security checks etc.). This can also be used to return
>   errors.
  - For some methods, you need to do a lot of IO-ish stuff so you want
>   to return the value asynchronously (or specify that you should be
>   run in your own thread)

Yes and yes.

> I'm sure this could easily be done. Anyway, I'm not sure it's generally
> useful except for when you use D-Bus to simply export a few remote
> control interfaces like e.g. Rhythmbox and friends does.

Right, there really isn't any rocket science involved in writing a dynamic
method handling library (or adding it to glib). My plan will probably be to
anticipate where GObject-Introspection and EggDBus goes and then see where I
can fit in. I already have a bzr branch at lp:gdx. "GLib Dynamic
Extensions", but as mentioned earlier this is really just stub classes atm
so no need to look at it.

Anyways, I can guarantee very slow progress from my side as I really don't
have time to do this :-)

> It all comes down to how you want to define your D-Bus service.

True. I think I am more in the camp of creating and exporting the interfaces
programmatically/dynamically rather than using an IDL+precompiler. As I
understand the situation EggDBus does have room for the dynamic approach,
but it is just not implemented. If that is correct then I guess I am a happy
camper. :-)

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