Hi everyone,

As for the last few years, we'll have a GNOME devroom at FOSDEM (7/8
feb in Brussels), and as always, we want *YOU* to give a talk about
the cool project you are hacking on in this devroom

This year, we'll have half a day dedicated to GNOME specific talks,
and on Sunday, we'll share the devroom with people hacking on other
desktop environments and have talks about crossdesktop topics or talks
about some gnome specific topics, but which can be of interest to the
other communities.

Devroom talks are 30/35 minute long talks presenting one aspect of the
GNOME community you care about. This can be a technical talk about a
library you're hacking on, but you can also give a talk about how to
market GNOME at big events, or about how to get involved in the
translation project, ... In short, you can talk about whatever you
want as long as it's about GNOME!

Like last year, you'll find all the information about our
devroom on http://live.gnome.org/Brussels2009 . However,if you want to
give a talk, please don't add yourself to the schedule. Send me an
email instead describing your talk and the slot(s) you'd like to have,
and add that information to the "Presenters and their presentation" on
the wiki.

If you aren't giving a talk but are coming, please let us now at
http://live.gnome.org/Brussels2009/Attendees ! This is helpful in case
we print shirts or name tags.

Please send your talk proposals before Friday 9 January. As always,
the sooner is the better wrt organisation.

Hope to see you all in Brussels, enjoy the last days of 2008,

gtk-devel-list mailing list

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