On 05/25/2009 02:04 AM, Nemes Sorin wrote:
global menu bar from Usability point of view ...

I am a designer interested in Man - Machine interaction.
Regarding global menu in Gnome, I spent a 2 weeks using globalmenubar
being curious to find in which mode my workflow will be affected (Speed
? Comfort ? ...).

Well after 2 full weeks - I can tell you all - when you have a huge LCD
/ CRT ( you are designer or DTP guy ) global menu is not an option -
because you have to cross a lot of screen areas with the mouse cursor -
when is not the right case.

The problem with this sort of analysis is that you're only taking into account your single use-case. What percentage of the target audience for this sort of thing has a large monitor and would be affected? I'd say you're in the minority, but without an actual usability study, neither you nor I can really comment on that.

For *me*, a global menu would be great. I have a laptop with a 12" screen, 1024x768 resolution. Having a menu bar on each and every window (minus the ones where I can configure the app to hide the bar) wastes so much space, and the top of the screen is always within easy reach.

With widescreens even on a mac globalmenu loose it's sense.

Kinda funny you specifically mention a mac -- do people in the mac community complain about having a global menu? You'd think you would see that a lot if it really was a problem, since global menu is the only option on macos.

Now imagine GIMP - you can not assign all
commands with shortcuts - for any filter (I have ~ 200 filters ) which
is not assigned to a shortcut, you have to cross all screen again with
the mouse cursor because of the global menu bar location.

Try right-clicking anywhere on your image ^_~.

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