On Sun, 2009-07-05 at 14:34 +0200, Nicolò Chieffo wrote:
> While I was reading the documentation of GtkTextView [1] I came up to
> an "error". I moved to the section about
> gtk_text_view_add_child_in_window [2] and read the help:
> "..... a possible hack would be to update all child positions when the
> scroll adjustments change or the text buffer changes. See bug 64518 on
> bugzilla.gnome.org for status of fixing this issue."
> I read the bug [3] which is marked as fix released, but it does not
> seem to have anything to do with the problem which the documentation
> was trying to expose.
> (In fact I still haven't found a solution to this problem).
> I would like to discuss about how changing the doc here. I can make my 
> proposal:
> ".... a possible hack would be to connect to the signal 'changed'
> and/or 'value-changed' of the GtkAdjustment, which you can obtain by
> calling gtk_scrolled_window_get_vadjustment() on the parent window in
> which the text view is. Then you will need to update the child
> position using gtk_text_view_move_child() after having computed the
> correct ypos (the GtkAdjustment can help)"

Why don't you think this problem is fixed?

- Owen

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