> I believe Tor is the only win32 contributor;

Not true, there are several other people who contribute, too. Cody
Russell (bratsche), Hans Breuer, and Dominic Lachowicz are ones that
immediately come to mind. Myself, I work much less on it than I would
like to. (Oh well, to be frank, I am just fooling myself; if I
*really* was highly motivated, I would find the time...) My visibility
is perhaps higher because I build the "official" win32 and win64
binaries (but then, traditionally there is or has been "non-official"
binaries in perhaps more widespread use), and I often take part in
Windows-related threads on the mailing lists.

Just like apparently in the Mac OSX port, there are areas in the Win32
port that are well known to be broken and nobody has had the
inspiration to fix properly. Some issues are truly hard to solve and
perhaps not that important after all (we have managed so far), others
"just" require inspiration and some intensive hacking.

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