On Jul 13, 2009, at 5:47 AM, Owen Taylor wrote:

On Sun, 2009-07-12 at 19:47 -0700, John Ralls wrote:
On Jul 12, 2009, at 6:18 PM, Dominic Lachowicz wrote:

Glib on Win32 has routines to solve this problem. It resolves things
relative to where the Glib DLL is installed. If your applications use the XDG data directory functions in Glib, you might get away with this too. Maybe you could invent something similar that used the OSX bundle
as your point of reference.

The routines only solve the problem if they're used.

Don't need to invent anything. The core foundation functions are easy
to use, and Richard Hult already abstracted it into a gobject. But the
code still has to be patched. It's not just application code, either,
but infrastructure libraries like gconf, gnome-keyring, dbus, etc.

I set up a $PREFIX of /usr/local/gtk, built Gnucash, and ran `find /
usr/local/gtk -name *.dylib -exec strings \{\} | grep -H 'local/gtk'
\; ` and got more than 100 hits. Many of them are likely to be just a
define that isn't used for anything, but every one would have to be
examined, and a goodly number of them would require patching.

Well, it's hard to say how many places Gnucash hard codes paths, but the
number of places in the GTK+ stack is nowhere close to 100.


Sets only 7 environment variables before initializing GTK+ to get
everything found properly within the bundle.

I did need:


Hmm, Behdad gave me the commit approval on that; didn't see that.

Dom's suggestion of unifying with the Win32 functionality for locating
paths relative to the executable makes a lot of abstract sense though I
haven't looked into the practical details of how it works out.

- Owen

It is indeed hard to say. Gnucash includes binreloc code (an old copy and paste, not up to date) which I have patched to look in a bundle if one is available. This seems to have resolved the problem for the Gnucash part.

I know that GTK, Cairo, and Pango are not all of the problem; I even said so in my OP:
I realize that this is a bigger problem than just GTK, but it needs to be addressed if GTK is to be a cross-platform framework competitive with Qt and WxWidgets. Perhaps if there is a better forum to discuss it someone here will point me at it.

The 100+ hits covered all of Gnucash's dependencies, and Gnucash is rather notorious for having a lot of dependencies. Most of them are likely to be harmless, but they all have to be checked.

Your solution in ticket 554524 is workable, if a bit inelegant. Have you committed it?

John Ralls

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