[ CUT ]

Sorry to keep chiming in, but regrading the statement:

> you just don't seem to get the point.
> I need to build something from the ground up (making uml, class
> diagrams and such).. and based on that i need to make the actual
> program.
> Tumbler is existing already! i would be making those diagrams based on
> the current inner working which is not the way to go.


I think everyone understands what you are doing, I think your the one missing 
the point; from what I gather, many on this very list, have given you some very 
good constructive advice on what to do, if you want to do this from the ground 
up. So be it. They are also very prudently advising you that this is not 
needed, and would ONLY serve as a class project, so:

> Can i get the:
> - Git
> - gnome sub domain
> - blog for this project on planet gnome and/or gtk

No one is bashing anything, but despite the many who agree, that this project 
is NOT a requirement for GNOME or GTK (and since it is only for school, a place 
that rots the brain) I would be shocked... SHOCKED... if they provided you with 
a GIT, a gnome sub domain, and a blog. 

My friend, understanding is a two way street, and I'm not sure if any one on 
this list will convince you of any other path, than the one you are on. But 
don't expect them to hold your hand in this process as well.

You want to do this do it:
Put up your own GIT repo.
Use a domain name off of your own schools website.
and create your own blog for the project.

I doubt any of this will effect your grade. Frankly it simply sounds like your 
trying to get your name on the site, which will help with other prospects. I 
would LOVE to be attached to such a project, many would.

Open source is not about having many choices of software that do the same 
thing, it is about having many people working together in a cooperative 
(operative word here) to create something for the people, by the people, that 
will benefit the people, and in the process have some fun doing what we love. 
Open source is about freedom to do as you will, without the fear of big bro 
slamming you. Open source has never NEVER been about quantity, and has 
everything EVERYTHING to do with quality. 


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