Thanks for your attention.
I agree with you in the case of servers. But I'm talking about the desktop
(sorry forgotten to mention it). I hope you'll agree with me that for a
desktop it's a very (very!) unlikely such a situation which would happen (if
at all) only under very heavy stress. I think common sense implies that a
"normal" desktop user would rather want a quick system that feels and acts
quickly (roughly saying) 99.9999% of the time rather than constantly "feel
and act" slowly but manage to properly treat that (roughly saying) one in a
million situation (if at all). By the way, I think that because of this, the
"delete" sometimes doesn't work in Nautilus (seems to be lost) but don't
quote me on this as I don't know if this particular issue is related to gio.
I hope you'll agree that because of this there should be some change (in
gio), at least let the developer customize the timing or so. On a somewhat
different note, isn't set_rate_limit() designed to solve this timing issue?
And if so, am I right in asserting that it's not working?

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 5:09 PM, Emmanuele Bassi <> wrote:

> On Mon, 2010-05-31 at 14:28 +0300, Владимир wrote:
> > So I've dropped the gio monitor and started using inotify in the app
> > I'm creating because of this (i.e. because I want end users to
> > think/feel that my app is quick).
> and yet you'll achieve the opposite as soon as you start getting
> multiple events (that would be coalesced by GIO) and when you try to
> handle them all you'll essentially perform a DoS on your UI.
> ciao,
>  Emmanuele.
> --
> W:
> B:
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