> It has certainly been explained that that is the situation on
> Windows, and I fully accept it. It's less clear that it should be
> the situation on OS X, with its *nix-type substructure.

You have it backwards. It was from the GTK-on-OS-X people (well, at
least those that I have heard from) that this convention originated.
Only a bit later did the GTK+-on-Windows people (well, many of us, not
all) realize the same.

> I don't think that
> invalidates the idea that it would be very useful for app
> developers to have a GTK runtime package available, as we do for
> Windows.

As usual, people seem to be constantly jumping between talking about
"packages" for developers, and "packages" for end-users. There is no
"officially sanctioned" GTK end-user runtime package for Windows
available, in the sense that it would be something that could/should
be installed as such on end-user systems. It's the developer and/or
packager that is expected to pick out those files his application
actually needs at run-time from the run-time zip archives on
ftp.gnome.org (or from the "bundle" which just combines all the
run-time and developer zip archives for the GTK+ stack). This is not
the same set of files for all applications.

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