On Sep 1, 2010, at 7:53 PM, John Ralls wrote:

> On Sep 1, 2010, at 12:38 PM, Olav Vitters wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 09:56:12AM -0700, John Ralls wrote:
>>> It's now on Sourceforge because when Richard decided with his partner
>>> wind up Imendio and to withdraw from Gtk+, he asked on his forum for
>>> someone to take over maintaining the build system. I bit, and after
>>> some probing discovered that he'd not been successful in getting
>>> anyone to take over *any* of the components; he had some hope that one
>>> or more of his former Imendio employees who were still involved with
>>> Gtk+ would take over maintaining the Gtk+ parts. I quickly discovered
>>> that it would take some time and a lot of work to get a project
>>> started at Gnome.org. It took a week at Sourceforge, and only that
>>> long because I did a hostile takeover of a moribund project that was a
>>> fork of Gtk 1 whose name I wanted.
>> If you want a Git account so you can commit to Gtk+, it should be pretty
>> easy. Three steps basically:
>> 1. For the person requesting it: follow http://live.gnome.org/NewAccounts
>> 2. A gtk+ maintainer: approving the Git account
>> 3. Accounts team: setting it up
>> This can all be done very quickly.
>> If for some reason there is a delay in above process, feel free to
>> send me a message.
> It seems likely that no. 2 will be the rub: I don't have a long track record 
> compared to others who don't have git commit priv (Paul Davis comes to 
> mind)... but maybe they never asked. So I just did. We'll see what happens, 
> eh?

Well, much to my surprise, my Git account was approved in short order.

So now the question is which pieces belong where? 

Gtk-quartz-engine already has a repo, so that's obvious. The GtkOSXApplication 
half of ige-mac-integration can go in gtk+/gtk, and its Python bindings to 
PyGtk if the devs over there are willing.

But what about the build stuff and the proxy packages for docbook and 
gtk-doc-utils? Is there a logical home for them, should they have a new project 
on Gnome, or should they stay on SourceForge?

John Ralls
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