On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Richard Hughes <hughsi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't think maintainers mind porting stuff, as long as:
> 1) it doesn't keep changing in drastic ways, cough, GtkApplication, cough
> 2) you provide a porting "how to" document with examples
3) There are maintainers.
4) The maintainers are active.
5) The maintainers actually understand the code that was changed.

It's one of the lessons I learned during the rendering changes:
Well-maintained applications will be ported without me looking at it,
even if it's not a trivial port. People ask some questions and make
useful API addition suggestions, but the port happens mostly
Examples: gedit, gimp, eog

However there's a large bunch of applications that are barely kept
alive but that everybody expects will keep working for GTK3. For
those, nobody will feel responsible to actually take care of the port.
Examples: gnome-desktop, evolution, gnome-panel, gnome-utils

You will usually get called to help the second set of projects.

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