On Nov 8, 2010, at 11:15 AM, Robert Park wrote:

> Alice is an application developer who has written a non-trivial PyGTK2
> application. She is informed that PyGTK2 is no longer supported and
> that she'll need to port her app to stay current. She looks at the
> available options and sees that she can either port to PyGTK3 or
> PyGObject. She doesn't really know what PyGObject is, but based on the
> name alone determines that PyGTK3 is the successor to PyGTK2. She
> begins porting her app to PyGTK3 and eventually completes her port
> successfully. Now what? She just spent a bunch of time porting to an
> evolutionary dead-end and is left with something that is still old,
> broken, and unsupported. Now she has to spend a bunch MORE effort
> porting to PyGObject.

Hi.  I'm Alice, and I have no idea what you're talking about.  I'm heavily 
invested in PyGTK2 in a long-term project.  As far as I can tell, PyGObject is 
a low level library that doesn't serve the same purpose as PyGTK at all.  
What's the relationship between the new PyGObject and the old?  What kind of 
porting do I have to look forward to, and on what time scale?

> I think the community as a whole would be FAR better served by having
> not just better PyGObject code, but better documentation for PyGObject
> (including porting HOWTOs).

Yes, please. 

   Steve (not really Alice)

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